Pre-Purchase Examination
Pre-purchase examination of horses is highly recommended to provide a thorough picture of a horse’s physical health and soundness prior to buying your new companion.
We have the capability to perform additional tests as requested, including a general health blood profile, drug screening, ECG (electro-cardiographs), radiography (x-rays), respiratory tract endoscopy, breeding soundness examination, ultrasound of the reproductive tract, tendons or other soft tissue structures as indicated.
Pre-purchase examinations can take anywhere from 1-3 hours depending on how many additional tests are required, and we generally prefer both the current owner and the potential buyer to be present for the examination and related paperwork to be completed (although we understand that this is not always possible!).
These examinations are designed to give the buyer a more accurate representation and assurance of their future companion, highlight any abnormalities or any risk factors identified.
Please contact us to request further information on pre-purchase examinations.